Mihei Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The name Mihei Fm was given by the First Party of Regional Geological Survey, Sichuan Bureau of Geology in 1965 and published by the Compiling Group of Regional Stratigraphical Scale of Sichuan Province in 1978. The type section is located at Miheigou, north of Xiqiu Township in Muli Tibetan Autonomous County, Sichuan Province.
Synonym: (米黑组)
Lithology and Thickness
The Mihei Fm, 208 m thick, consists of dark gray-grayish black siliceous slate intercalated with gray metamorphosed quartzose sandstone, minor phyllite and crystalline limestone.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The formation disconformably contacts onto the underlying Lower Ordovician.
Upper contact
The formation disconformably contacts the overlying Lower Carboniferous. Regionally, the next younger unit is the Gezhadi Fm of late-Early Silurian.
Regional extent
It is 190 m thick at Shuilehe in Muli and is intercalated with basic volcanic rock at Dingyangpengzai of Muli totaling 830 m in thickness.
It yields graptolites Glyptograptus cf. persculptus, Petalolithus minor, Monograptus cf. sedgwickii, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information